After a bunch of changes I am back.
I cancelled all my web sites. Too much work to keep them up and it has been years since I did any work on them. As part of my digging I found the link back to my old blog spot. Completely forgot about it. So going to recover it as a part of my ramblings.
To update... a lot of changes have happened. In Cowichan Bay I tossed my old Manufactured Home and with my at the time partner put a new one in its place. We got married there and were living happily, until the park degenerated. Problems with the water, and the new owners. So to make a long story short we moved to Salmon Arm to be closer to Brian and Sharon. Have a nice home in a nice MHP. Got rid of all my old cars over the years and now lease a new Toyota RAV4. AWD as it does snow up here. Sold all of my ham radio stuff, but still am sort of active. Now concentrating on getting the new place adjusted to our life style.
So will be using this spot to update my friends, family and enemies. As always, your comments are welcome.
Tom and Judy