Ramblings and delusional thoughts

Random thoughts and delusional momements from history, computers, metrication and other bits of nonsense I chose to prattle on about.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

What sort of information does the government have?

We are all getting more aware of the fact that there is far more information being gathered on us than we really need. The national news network had a blurb on internet pharmacies. Seems they farm out the ordering to some third party. In actual fact located in some house in small town Ontario somewhere. Call centers are the operative word. Our so called national gun registry program uses a call centre too. And do you think for one moment they are concerned with security.

But, that's not the point of this tirade. It is about information already gathered, and how it is being used.

British Columbia Medical Service Plan is a mandatory plan for all folk in the province. And all the folk that provide a service (x-ray labs for example) are plugged in to the computer system it uses. Well, there is a huge leak in that area. My wife was allowed to look at her record in the lab, and there in one of the windows was her citizenship status. Why the hell do they need that there? She is a resident, paid up, and what more do they need than that. Do they need that so they can establish the kind of service she is to get? I personally found out that my last marital status was all the record they have on me. They may need my wife's citizenship status, but they can't get my correct marital status.

I am a director of one of the local organizations, and as such had to be listed as a signing authority with the local credit union. The first thing they wanted was my social insurance number. I have had that run in before, so I played dumb and asked them why. I was told that they had to report any income on accounts to the income tax folk. When I pointed out that I was not taking out an account, and had no responsibility for the thing they had to go and check with "management" Needless to say, they did not get number one from me, but I can still sign the checks. BTW, did you know that credit unions (and some banks) do a credit check on you before they will open an account. Seems they don't want any "deadbeats" putting money in the place. And, they make you sign a statement saying you will not use the account for "illegal purposes" . As if you are going to tell them if you are laundering money...



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