If Hitler had owned a PC...
If Hitler had owned a PC the outcome of the Second World War would have been entirely different!
Wars are not won by guns. They are won by information! Before a shot is fired all the espionage is done to gather information on the enemy. As well, false information is planted to distract his efforts.
The Enigma machine, a very early pre-cursor of a computer enabled the Allies to decode Nazi (and Japanese) information. That machine alone won the war, not all the guns and lost lives. You can't kill everyone in warfare! So, it all comes down to information.
Orwell, in his book used the television to spy on the masses. Today, we willingly use the computer. And, it is bloody well cabable of doing exactly what Orwell envisioned (and more). That scares the shit out of me! When I built my computers in the 60's I joked about everyone having one. At the time not one person believed me! I am not a psychic, and one does not need to have one to predict this fact.
Notice all the "security updates" we all get to our computers. Is there a problem (tongue planted firmly in cheek) here? We know about hackers, and all the stuff they do to the internet. Who are they? I know the CIA has a convention for them every year where the very best are selected to work for them. I think viruses are created by those that would sell us virus checkers (well, not really but it has been mentioned to me)
Canada recently passed some guidelines (my word, they call them laws) on what information can and cannot be divulged. We have all seen the little "disclaimers" appearing on everything from our newspapers to our bank statements. They are really just rules, and like speeding rules, do they really stop those that will break them?
Banks are already sharing information on your bank account. Who with? Those private money machines that are showing up everywhere (especially in bars) give you money. They are privately owned, and how do you think they know that the money you want is in you account? The bank computer tells them! Who else can it tell? Can that machine you just used be trusted that if a crunch came and the owner needed cash he could not clean out all the accounts just accessed?
And as well, all the systems have changed over to the internet to transfer information. All that information out there waiting for an Enigma machine to come along and pluck it out. Hey, if we could build a simple machine with no computer help to decode messages, what makes you think we can't make a better machine with all these computers to help us.
"Let the arrows fly, the gaunlet is thrown down" We all assume everyone around us is honest. It is about time we started waking up. Why do you think Microsoft and Bill Gates came under such intense investigation? Were they worried about all the power that Windows has? I suspect they worry deep down that the Microsoft company has the power to do all sorts of very bad things. But, then again, even they use Windows! Those that don't (like bank machines) use IBM. Who is that? Just another trusted computer company!
... more on this subject coming!
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