US Patriot Act now directly affects BC Residents
OK, what did I say? Our information on the MSP computer is now totally unprotected from prying eyes. How do you say "outsourcing"? And why?
Well, the British Columbia Medical Services Plan (read previous postings on that bunch) has outsourced the computer services to a US company. The ruling came down on the US Patriot Act today. Canadian data on US computers and computers in Canada owned by US companies have to turn the records over to the CIA and/or the FBI if asked for them.
Boy, do I feel good that your Uncle Sam (I am a Canadian) can peek into the medical records on me whenever he feels like it. And, recall that I also mentioned there is all sorts of other information on us in there. Like nationality and citizenship. It could be a virtual treasure source of information. I would like the MSP to come clean on this one and tell us all what is in there so that we can decide who the enemy is on this continent! And, how come no Canadian companies are cabable of doing the outsourcing for us? Heck, my server under my desk is probably secure enough now...
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